Summer Mastitis Cases Are On The Rise
With temperatures across UK and Ireland on the rise and fly populations increasing accordingly, farmers and veterinarians are already reporting a high number of ‘dry felon’ or ‘summer mastitis’ cases. And it seems that both in-calf heifers and pre-calving cows dairy cows, dried-off over recent weeks, are succumbing to the problem in equal measure.
As is always the case, prevention is better than cure. The good news, in this regard, is that garlic has extremely effective fly-repellent properties. One of the most effective ways of making garlic available to stock at grass is courtesy of ‘Crystalyx Garlyx’ feed blocks.
Luke Morgan Account Manager for Ireland:
“The 2023 ‘fly season’ is already in full swing and with it comes the enhanced risk of pre-calving cows and in-calf heifers becoming predisposed to Summer Mastitis.
“However, the good news is that Crystalyx Garlyx represents a natural way of protecting cattle and sheep from biting insects.
“The product has also been specifically formulated to maximise animal performance by stimulating forage intake and digestion.”
“The natural, high-sulphur compounds in garlic act as an insect repellent, which ward off flies and other biting insects.
“The tubs and buckets can be conveniently put out in fields and paddocks with stock throughout the grazing season.”
Crystalyx Garlyx is ideally provided to livestock – cattle and sheep – at those times when flies and biting insects are extremely prevalent. If livestock are stressed and or irritated then they are less likely to graze, therefore becoming less productive. Garlyx acts to make livestock’s skin less attractive to biting insects. In such instances, they are less likely to bother livestock.
The natural garlic contained in Garlyx is consumed by livestock with every lick, and over the days that follow the garlic passes through the animal and is secreted out from pours in the skin. This then produces an invisible barrier around livestock, which flies and other biting insects find repellent.
Crystalyx Garlyx also contains a full complement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to balance the deficiencies in summer grass. The high levels of zinc contained in the Crystalyx Garlyx also help to maintain skin integrity and strength in order to further guard against biting insects.