Tracesure® – precise, easy, and now organically certified

Tracesure® – precise, easy, and now organically certified

ANIMAX Tracesure® is the only sheep and lamb bolus in the market to have received organic certification, meaning organic sheep producers can now enjoy the benefits of sustained trace element supplementation technology.

Certified by the Soil Association, the proven precision nutrition technology is now available to the circa 700,000 sheep currently in organic production in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Almost all grass and forage is deficient in one or more of the trace elements cobalt, copper, iodine, and selenium. These trace elements work in tandem to satisfy the immune, digestive, reproductive and growth needs of modern productive lambs and sheep.

Not supplying enough of all these trace elements can manifest as costly clinical or subclinical health and production challenges at any time in the production cycle, but especially in times of increased pressure such as lambing or weaning. However, supplying more than enough will either by-pass what an animal can physically absorb, or worse, cause toxicity. The risk of either eventuality on profit margins can now be minimised on organic systems through proactively bolusing at key times such as pre-tupping and pre-lambing or pre-turnout and scanning.

ANIMAX Tracesure® has been scientifically engineered to give producers that all-important confidence that their sheep will always have enough essential trace elements – not too much and not too little, just enough. The technology features a unique mode of action that offers a precision release of trace elements selected to maximise utilisation by the animal.

Controlled trial research studies in the U.K have shown that bolusing with Tracesure Lamb (no copper) can increase DLWG by 50g a day and up to 3kg in the first 3 months.

Veterinary Director at ANIMAX, Elizabeth Berry BVSc MRCVS PhD, is behind the organic accreditation.

“What isn’t particularly well known within the sector, is that a cobalt, selenium, and iodine deficiency is quite likely in any grazing system, even within a well-managed production system. The Soil Association approval of the ANIMAX Tracesure® range of boluses means that organic sheep farmers now have a trace element supplementation option, in an easy to give bolus, for key times such as pre-tupping, and pre-lambing”, says Elizabeth.

While organic status is being sought for Tracesure® with copper over the coming months, ANIMAX advise that Tracesure® Sheep and Tracesure® Lamb can be used in conjunction with ANIMAX Copinox medicinal capsules under derogation, as part of the flock health plan with the farm vet.

For further information on Tracesure and to find out where you can get hold of Tracesure, please contact your local Animax specialist.