Responsible Policies & Practices

As a Group, we have a long-standing commitment to high standards and professional behaviour. This commitment applies to our Group, but also extends to our suppliers, and our partners. We firmly believe that our continued success is dependent on our ability to inspire trust and earn the confidence of our stakeholders and we align ourselves in the best way possible to achieve this, with responsibility at the forefront of our approach. We have clear standards on what is expected, and we set these expectations out in the policies that guide what we do and how we work with others ensuring ethical business practice. On the next pages are further details on the Group’s responsible policies and practices.

Risk Management

The Group’s policies and training strengthen the risk management framework that is embedded across the businesses. In addition to the corporate risk register governed by the Board, business unit and functional risk registers have been developed across our teams, allowing a wide range of employees to contribute to our risk assessment and assurance processes. Colleagues are encouraged to report all risks.


We have a series of well developed policies which guide our everyday operations and set clear standards on what is expected.

In addition to our policies, the Code of Ethics, issued to all employees in spring 2022 and updated during FY23 establishes a cohesive, consistent framework for the way we behave and engage with the various stakeholders.


As part of their induction to the Group, all employees undertake mandatory training modules which are revised and revisited annually. These training modules focus on ensuring that colleagues at all levels of our businesses act safely, professionally,
fairly and with integrity.

Data Security & Privacy

Our privacy statement outlines the Group’s policy on managing the personal data of all individuals sharing their personal information with us.


In 2022 the Group launched its Code of Ethics across all sites globally. The Code of Ethics brings together Group-wide policies and best practice regarding a range of circumstances which could potentially be encountered in the modern workplace. The Code was launched alongside a programme of training with the aim of exploring the contents of the code and to raise awareness of it within Group. The Group is committed to applying high standards and professional behaviour to every decision it makes at all levels of the organisation, and the Code of Ethics provides us with a framework for continuous improvement in this area. The Code of Ethics was updated in 2023 following the disposal of the Agricultural Supplies division.


Carr’s operates and encourages a culture of honesty and openness in its businesses. The Group is strongly opposed to unethical behaviours including bribery and other corruption; these behaviours are prevented through a robust framework of controls, including standardised policies and transparent practices, which every employee is made aware of. The Group regularly reviews its policies and practices to ensure that a positive culture within the businesses remains a priority for everyone.

Human Rights

Carr’s is committed to the sustainable development of its business and to continual improvement in its management of ethical issues, this includes ensuring that its business and supply chain remain free from modern slavery and human trafficking. As a Group, we have a long-standing commitment to high standards and professional behaviour. This commitment applies to our Group, but also extends to our suppliers, and our partners. We firmly believe that our continued success is dependent on our ability to inspire trust and earn the confidence of our stakeholders and we align ourselves in the best way possible to achieve this, with responsibility at the forefront of our approach. We have clear standards on what is expected, and we set these expectations out in the policies that guide what we do and how we work with others ensuring ethical business practice. 

Whilst the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within the Group and its supply chain is assessed as low, Carr’s remains vigilant to this issue and is aware that the risk of modern slavery appearing in supply chains is ever changing and can increase, particularly as the Group continues to grow. Carr’s will not undertake business with any third parties where concerns arise and will accordingly report such circumstances to appropriate authorities. The Group operates internal policies, supported by training, on the issue of modern slavery which both protect against risks and promote awareness.

Tax transparency

The Group is committed to tax transparency. Its aim is to comply fully with all tax disclosure, payment, and filing requirements in every country in which it operates and to paying appropriate amounts of tax. The Group’s Tax Strategy and Tax Code of Conduct is published online at

Whistle Blowing

In addition to the Group’s policies and monitoring procedures, the Group also has an independent whistleblowing service, SeeHearSpeakUp, which is made available to all personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This enables employees at any of the Group’s global locations to report concerns easily, anonymously, and in total confidence.

Conflicts of Interest

The Group’s policies require the regular declaration of gifts and hospitality by all personnel. Acceptance of gifts and hospitality are subject to strict rules underpinned by the policy, and any matters which could give rise to a conflict of interest must be considered
and approved before acceptance can occur.

Charitable Giving

The Group has a charitable donations policy, which provides guidance when using Company funds for financial donations. The policy reflects the interests of all stakeholders ensuring an accountable and responsible use of funds whilst aiming to be a reliable partner to charities supporting good causes.

Diversity & Equal Opportunities

The Company endeavours to continuously improve our working environment to ensure it is free from discrimination, harassment, or victimisation. The Group actively promotes a working environment in which everyone receives fair treatment and equal opportunities regardless of matters such as gender, race, colour, nationality, religion, or belief, marital or civil partnership status, family status, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, or age.

Health & Safety

Health and safety is a key priority. It is essential that a safe place to work is provided for our employees and visitors to sites. Mandatory training modules for employees include Manual Handling, Slips Trips and Falls, Working Safely and Workplace Health & Safety. Each site has also developed specific health and safety training particular to their operational areas.